Day Surgery Patients
The Avenue Hospital has a Day Surgery Unit which provides a comfortable environment for patients having certain types of procedures that do not require an overnight stay in hospital.
Before Surgery
- Bathe or shower
- Wear loose, comfortable clothing
- Do not wear makeup or jewellery, other than a wedding ring
- Unless otherwise instructed do not have anything to eat or drink 6 (six) hours prior to surgery (this includes chewing gum)
- You should not smoke or drink alcohol for 24 hours prior to admission
- If you are taking medication and are unsure about whether to take these prior to surgery, please contact your admitting doctor.
What to bring
On the day of admission please bring:
- Any letter(s) from your doctor relating to your procedure
- Details of Health Insurance Membership
- Medicare Card
- Pharmaceutical, Pension or Veteran Affairs entitlement card
- A list of current medications
- Cash/ Credit Card to pay out of pocket expenses on admission (Excess or Copayments)
- X-rays if applicable
- Glasses and physical aids (walking sticks, hearing aids etc)
- Ventolin
Post Surgery
- You will not be able to drive for 24 hours if you have had sedation or a general anaesthetic. It is a requirement that you please arrange for a responsible adult to drive you home or accompany you in a taxi.
- Before you leave the hospital our staff will provide you with post procedure instructions including medications, dressings and follow up appointments.
- Before leaving the hospital please go via reception to be discharged and finalise the account.